podcasts featuring jeff

“Jeff Perera is leading the field in conversations on manhood and gender based violence and in today’s discussion we get down to the root of it, with a lot of laughter on the way… he is a master of using analogies to make complex ideas and topics very relatable and understandable. We talk about the origins of manhood as it is traditionally defined, how mansculinty has a direct impact on people of other genders, and the environments that this creates; in relationships, with self, with others, and in the workplace. And maybe most importantly, we talk about building our empathy muscles.”

Listen here or wherever you catch your podcasts!

Carlos Andrés Gómez and Jeff Perera join The Big D podcast to “talk about helpful and unhelpful ideas of manhood and how they influence relationships. And of course, breakups. These unhelpful ideas of masculinity are not intrinsic to men or masculine people. So we talk a lot about character and qualities, what underpins gut reactions, and how we can do things differently. Together, Carlos and Jeff are the perfect messengers… This episode is loaded with sweet metaphors, laughs, and mic drops…”

Listen on Apple Podcasts or wherever you catch your podcasts.

In episode #015 of The ManKind Podcast, Brandon Clift interviews Jeff on what it takes for men to build our Empathy Muscle to increase and deepen our connections to those around us.

Listen now on Apple PodcastsSpotify or on the podcast page

Jeff joined the Bye Felipe podcast to talk “about working out our emotional “muscles,” reframing the tendency for transactional intimacy, and how we can call men in to create healthier relationships.”

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you catch your podcasts!

Listen to a warm conversation Jeff had with Jane Clapp on the ‘Clapp with Jane’ podcast on our true nature surfacing with the realities of today, men learning to listen to their bodies, name what they are feeling, and channel anger versus become violent with those we are in isolation with during the COVID19 pandemic.

Listen now on Apple PodcastsSpotify or on the podcast page

Jeff joined The Unshakable Man podcast to talk about his Huffington Post piece ‘Telling Male Friends ‘I Love You’ Is A Muscle Guys Need To Flex Every Day.’ “…we explore male to male intimacy, the importance of developing community by leading with vulnerability, the measure of a man today, and what we can do to be better men for ourselves and our communities.”

Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or The Unshakable Man page.

Jeff joined the AfterGLOW Podcast to talk about men acknowledging the endless work women do, support and leadership they endlessly offer us, how men can have women’s back, and how we can encourage men towards continued growth and change! Listen on iTunes, Spotify, or here!

Jeff joined the Rawesome Parenting podcast to talk about men facing their feels and fears as parents or caregivers: name and deal with our emotions & fears we are not enough to be a Dad.

Listen on iTunes, Spotify, or here!

Jeff joined the Front Row Dads podcast for a conversation about the ‘True Measure of a Man’, discussing his personal journey and experiences growing up, and how our actions impact other people, especially our children.

Jeff joined college coach Kip Ioane of Teams of Men and the Cross the Streams Podcast to discuss coaching young men and men, being a good note taker as a student of Life, men striving to be allies, and men helping men build emotional muscle.

Listen on iTunes or SoundCloud!

You can also listen to Kip and Jeff Matsushita for a REAX where they react to the conversation I had with Kip! Listen on iTunes or SoundCloud!

Listen to Jeff Perera on the Awoken Word podcast for a wide-ranging chat about childhood, men and manhood, violence, racism, courageous conversation in heated political climates. In an era of divides, they discuss how building bridges between us starts with building bridges within us. (Available wherever you listen to podcasts!)

I joined Tony Rezac of Basecamp for Men for a great two-part conversation.

Episode 55: ‘The Measure of a Man’ “What is the current measure of a man? The conversations that men are having ABOUT men is taking how we measure ourselves into a new arena. One with more heart and soul and more breathing room for all of us. The new measure doesn’t exclude the high-status former alpha male. It’s just requiring him to right-size his ego and stop making everything about him and his image. We have outgrown the old measure. This much is clear. The new measure will show that men are capable of a lot more than just being status ponies. I’m excited to talk to my guest today as he is an expert on the inner lives of men and is helping to create this new measure that I am speaking of.”

Listen to ‘The Measure of a Man’ on iTunes or the Basecamp for Men site.

In Episode 58: ‘Why Do Men Do This?’ “Jeff and I look at some of the questions that we get asked about men. Why do men send dick pics? Why do men react with rage so often when they get triggered? And a couple of others. As two men that write on male psychology and the of the inner lives of men, I thought you might find it interesting to hear our takes on some of these. We also pay homage to the great Mohammed Ali.”

Listen to ‘Why Do Men Do This?’ on iTunes or on the Basecamp for Men site


Click to listen to Jeff join a CBC ‘The Sunday Edition’ panel to discuss the conversations men can have together around accountability and change.


Listen to Part 2 of Jeff’s conversation
on the Modern Manhood podcast
(Download on iTunes or click here to listen!)

Shame MM

Catch Part 1 of Jeff’s conversation on Modern Manhood 
(Download on iTunes or click here!)

Modern Manhood Pt 1


Listen to Jeff talk on the Soul Unexpected podcast about ways men can show up in relationships and their own lives, and be the lesson in action!